applications  Applicazioni Tendicinghia

Marca <-


Versione <-

2.0 Turbo

Applicazioni   ALFA ROMEO  164  2.0 Turbo

motore cilindrata alimentazione codice  tipo periodo nota
AR06476 engine_go 1995 B 03.350  A January 1987 to December 1987
AR06476 engine_go 1995 B 03.80190  A January 1987 to December 1987 Puleggia di ricambio per 03.80156
AR06476 engine_go 1995 B 03.80193  A January 1987 to December 1987
AR06476 engine_go 1995 B 03.80156  A January 1987 to December 1987 Puleggia di ricambio: 03.80190
AR06476 engine_go 1995 B 03.026  D January 1987 to December 1987
AR06476 engine_go 1995 B 03.81646  D January 1987 to December 1987